Faraniroo Sanat Pishor Factory

Faraniroo Sanat Pishro Factory was set up in 2005 with the aim of manufacturing power panels for high-voltage substations projects within framework of an independent company. Since power panels of a high-voltage substation and/or any industrial complex enjoys paramount significance in technical terms and their price share as compared with total project price and since observing engineering criteria and scheduled program for manufacturing and delivering them is of paramount importance, Faraniroo Engineering Company has taken effective steps for settling problems facing manufacturing of power panels.
For this reason, the company provided appropriate infrastructures in various dimensions whether in technical terms or experienced manpower, with the aim of designing and manufacturing power panel according to the requirements of standards of Energy Ministry.
It should be noted that all design and engineering stages, constructing, testing and commissioning power panel are carried out by Faraniroo Engineering Company and not any case is referred outside the company as OUTSOURCE.
Faraniroo Sanat Pishro Factory started its activity on Abbasabad Industrial Township on a land area as large as 2,300 sq.m with approx. 2,000 sq.m built-up area.
For development of its activity qualitatively and quantitatively, with increase of built-up area to 3,300 sq.m, benefiting from a workshop space as rental as large as 1,200 sq.m, and taking advantage of appropriate equipment and employing a number of 50 expert manpower and engineers in required specialties, presently, the company has attained acceptable condition for manufacturing power panels according to technical standards and criteria of power industry.
As mentioned previously, all activities and processes of manufacturing power panel whether engineering or execution operations are carried out by the company.
At the present condition, all designing and engineering activities are carried out in Tehran while executive activities (including forging, washing, phosphate and painting works, assembling equipment, wiring, testing and controlling at the time of work) and also final tests are conducted at the factory site under appropriate quality control and management system.
It should be noted that Faraniroo Eng. Company has been recognized qualified and eligible by TAVANIR Company for manufacturing low-voltage power panels of fixed type and protective and control power panels and all pertinent interfaces.
Various Departments and Units of Company
- Engineering and Designing Unit, Commercial Department, Managing Director
Residence: Central Office (Tehran)
- Workshop for manufacturing steel structure, washing, phosphate and painting works, assembling equipment and wiring operation
- Quality Control (QC) units, related laboratories, warehouse, accounting, Marketing Department, and tenders, management of factory
Residence: Factory
Main Activities
- Manufacturing Electrical Power Panels
- Manufacturing steel structure and power panel body for various panels (based on Rittal Plan)
Products of Faraniroo Sanat Pishor Co. as follows
- LVAC power panels of fixed type for general applications including construction complexes, factories, etc.
- LVAC and LVDC power panels of fixed type for applying at high-voltage substations and BOP power stations
- Protection and control power panels of swing type and other power panels constituting set of power panels of high-voltage substations including SCADA, AVR, PLC, OLP, CVT, CT, Fault and Event Recorder, INTERFACE, MARSHALING BOX, FUSE BOX
- Fault & Event Recorder systems
- Various types of power panel body based on Rittal Plan or according to the specifications as requested by customer, as painted being ready for fulfilling various assembling and wiring stages
Technical Specifications – Approvals
- Steel structure of power panels based on Rittal Plan with lock, hinge and pertinent wares
- Steel sheet of power panel body and base frame of lubricant type as thick as 2 mm
- Steel sheet of assembling plate and gland plate of galvanize type as thick as 2.5 mm
- Security glass for door of swing power panels
- IP 42 protection degree for indoor panels and IP 54 for Outdoor power panels according to certificate issued by Iran Power Industries Laboratories Co. (E.P.I.L)
- Color Quality certificate issued by the Energy Research Center based on ASTM 8-category standards including: testing of Salt Spray (1,000 hours) which indicates observing requirements of necessary standards at washing, painting and phosphate stages
Certificates and Approvals
- ISO 9001-2008
- IP 42 test certificate for INDOOR power panels and IP54 for OUTDOOR power panels according to IEC 60529 standard issued by Iran Power Industries Laboratories Co. (E.P.I.L)
- Approval of painting operation of power panel by the Energy Research Center according to D2247, B117, D1186, D523, D2794, D522 and D3363 standards of complex of washing, painting and phosphate standards of ASTM