Organizational Structure (Chart)

Organizational chart of Faraniroo Engineering Company is as follows:
- Technical and Engineering Deputy Office, including HV and LV Design Departments and also civil and Mechanics units
- Commercial Deputy Office including domestic and foreign purchase, registering order and opening Letter of Credit (L/C), transport and customs clearance activities.
- Executive Deputy Office including management of projects, installation and commissioning of equipment and also civil works of building
- Market Development, Tenders and Contracts Affairs Deputy Office including: engineering department, tenders work amount estimation unit, provision of technical and financial proposals, drawing up all contracts and market development, comprised of three units: proposals of substations and power transmission lines, power plants and industries and sales of agencies.
- planning Management including supervising and managing data systems, project control, training and human resources, provision of systems and quality standard methods, reorganization, short- and long-term planning of organization
- Financial management
- Administrative and logistics management
- Research and Development (R&D) Unit, publishing scientific and research papers, authoring, translating and publishing books
- Quality Assurance (QA) Unit